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FAQ - Frequently asked questions

The AI Finance Association Europe is an association dedicated to implementing European digitalization goals in the financial sector. We use cutting-edge multimedia tools and AI technologies to create environmental, economic and social benefits and contribute to achieving the goals of the Lisbon Treaty.

Anyone interested in promoting digitalization in the European financial sector can become a member of the AI Finance Association Europe. An application is required for membership, which our executive board decides on. Further details about membership and the application process can be found at Link

Members benefit from access to exclusive events, research projects, networking opportunities with leading experts in the field of financial digitalization and the opportunity to actively participate in shaping the European financial landscape. We also support our members in the development and implementation of AI-based financial technologies.

Yes, the association promotes and supports the development and implementation of projects that are in line with our goals. Members can submit project proposals, which can receive support after review by our team for feasibility and alignment with our goals.