Daytrading Almanach access: Gain a decisive advantage with our comprehensive Daytrading Almanach. Here you'll find detailed analysis and valuable insights to take your trading to the next level Teaching material for further education: Expand your knowledge with our specially curated teaching material. Stay up to date with the latest financial strategies and trends to continuously deepen your expertise Network and community: Exchange ideas and make valuable contacts in our lively community of financial experts and like-minded people. Use the potential of our network for your personal and professional development. Exchange of knowledge and further training: Professional exchange within the forum, insights into current trends, opportunities for personal development Market analysis and strategy development: Analysis of market conditions, adaptation of trading strategies within the forum, creation of investment strategies Access to resources and tools: Access to valuable resources, interactive feedback processes within the forum Participate in innovation competitions: Put your skills to the test and advance your ideas by taking part in our exclusive innovation competitions. Take the opportunity to gain recognition and put your concepts into practice. Exclusive access to trading bots: Use advanced bots that have been developed with the utmost care and extensively tested to maximize your trading results Invitation to expert communities: Network with like-minded people and industry leaders in our special social media groups Innovation support: Benefit from first-class research and development tools and stay at the forefront of technological development. Access to exclusive training courses: Up-to-date courses on innovative trading methods and financial technologies Webinars with industry experts: Learn directly from leading experts through live sessions and Q&As. Mentoring programs: One-to-one sessions with mentors who support you in your professional development

Duration : 14 Months Days