Let's Talk About Trading: Your platform for financial knowledge and networking

Welcome to Let's Talk About Trading!

Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of finance and stock trading with our new event series "Let's Talk About Trading". This initiative offers you the unique opportunity to expand your financial knowledge, make valuable contacts and learn from experts. Whether you are a complete beginner or an experienced investor - you will find exciting content and stimulating discussions here.

What is Let’s Talk About Trading?

"Let's Talk About Trading" is a series of regular video chats on Zoom that take place at least twice a week. Each session lasts about an hour and is led by expert moderators. Our goal is to provide members and interested parties with a platform to talk and network about everything to do with finance, the stock market and investments.

Why should you be there?

Talking about finances and investments can often be complicated and confusing. Let's Talk About Trading provides a structured and supportive environment where you can:

  • Gain valuable knowledge: Learn from experienced experts who share their insights and strategies with you.
  • You can actively network: Make contacts with like-minded people, expand your professional network and discover new opportunities.
  • Understand complex topics: Through targeted moderation and structured discussions, even difficult topics are made understandable.
  • Become part of a community: Experience support and exchange in a growth-oriented environment.

Opportunities for guests, organizers and participants

We are always looking for committed participants and contributors. Here are the different ways you can get involved:

  • Participants: Simply register and take part in our exciting sessions. Registration is quick and easy via our newsletter registration page .
  • Guest speaker: Do you have expertise in a specific financial topic? Then become a guest speaker and share your knowledge with our community. Contact us and we will discuss the details.
  • Organizers: If you would like to lead a session, we offer you the platform and support you need. Your experience and perspective are valuable additions to our series.
  • Contributors: Help us organize and moderate the sessions. Your creative energy and commitment are very welcome.

Diversity of topics and structure

Our topics are varied and cover a wide range of interesting and timely financial issues. Here are some examples of topics that may be discussed:

  1. Basics of stock trading

  2. Investing in cryptocurrencies: opportunities and risks

  3. Technical Analysis: Understanding Charts and Patterns

  4. Fundamental analysis: What’s behind it?

  5. The influence of central bank policy on the stock market

  6. Portfolio management: diversification is key

  7. ETFs and index funds: Generate passive income

  8. Behavioral Finance: Psychology of Investing

  9. Risk management and asset protection

  10. Day trading vs. long-term investing

  11. Tax aspects of capital investments

  12. Robo-Advisor and automated trading

  13. The path to your own trading plan

  14. Impact of economic news on markets

  15. Sustainable investing: Green Finance

  16. FinTechs and the future of banking

  17. Derivatives and Options: An Introduction

  18. Pension provision and the role of the stock market

  19. Investing in foreign currencies (Forex)

  20. Real estate as an investment

All topics will be announced in advance in our calendar so you are always informed.

Video recordings for internal evaluation only.

Be there!

Don't miss the opportunity to improve your financial knowledge, exchange ideas with like-minded people and discover new ways in the world of trading.

Register now and be part of our dynamic and knowledge-hungry community. We look forward to welcoming you to our next session!

"Let's Talk About Trading" is an initiative of the AI Finance Association Europe.

Link to Zoom in the calendar