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My first experiences in trading at Lech: An insight into my learning experiences and challenges
My first experiences in trading at Lech: An insight into my learning experiences and challenges
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Yesterday was an exciting day for me as I had the opportunity to gain real trading experience with none other than...

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3 Moving Averages Trading Strategy – A Comprehensive Guide
3 Moving Averages Trading Strategy – A Comprehensive Guide
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In this article, we will introduce you to a proven trading strategy based on the use of three moving averages (MA) ....

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The dynamic duo: Several coaches and trading academies as success boosters
The dynamic duo: Several coaches and trading academies as success boosters
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The advantage of diverse mentorship and its positive effects on trading In financial trading, no two days are the...

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Prop Trading: The Illusion of Quick Success – Why Real Trading is the Better Choice
Prop Trading: The Illusion of Quick Success – Why Real Trading is the Better Choice
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Prop trading is often marketed as a way to make big profits without investing a lot of your own capital. But the...

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Why the AI Finance Association Europe recommends working with BlackBull Markets
Why the AI Finance Association Europe recommends working with BlackBull Markets
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In a world where financial markets are constantly evolving and access to high-quality financial services is often...

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Introduction to Day Trading

In the world of financial trading, day trading is a term often associated with excitement, risk and quick decisions. But what exactly is day trading and how does it differ from other forms of trading such as swing trading or long-term investing? Let's explore this fascinating world.

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  • Teste den AI Trading Coach in der Beta-Phase: Dein Wegweiser für erfolgreiches Trading
    Teste den AI Trading Coach in der Beta-Phase: Dein Wegweiser für erfolgreiches Trading
    539 Views Liked

    Unser AI Trading Coach ist nun in der Beta-Phase! Entdecke, wie dieser lernende digitale Assistent dir auf deiner Trading-Reise helfen kann, egal ob du Anfänger oder Profi bist. Erfahre, wie der Bot stetig weiterentwickelt wird und in Zukunft mit neuen Funktionen, Wissensdatenbanken sowie der Möglichkeit, deinen Fortschritt in der Ausbildung zu verfolgen und zu bewerten, noch mehr Unterstützung bieten wird. Sei einer der Ersten, die den AI Coach testen und mitgestalten!

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  • Some terms for new day traders
    Some terms for new day traders
    54 Views Liked

    These terms provide a solid foundation for getting started in day trading. A deeper understanding of these concepts will help you make more informed trading decisions and better manage the complexities of the market.

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  • Finanzinstrumente für Daytrader
    Finanzinstrumente für Daytrader
    47 Views Liked

    Daytrading ist ein wichtiger Aspekt des Finanzsektors und kann eine Vielzahl von Finanzinstrumenten umfassen. Jedes dieser Instrumente hat seine eigenen spezifischen Eigenschaften, die verschiedene Vor- und Nachteile bieten, die von Daytradern genutzt werden können. Es ist wichtig zu verstehen, dass jedes dieser Instrumente einzigartige Merkmale aufweist, die sie für bestimmte Arten von Strategien und Ansätzen geeignet oder ungeeignet machen. In diesem Sinne wollen wir einen Überblick über...

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  • History of day trading
    History of day trading
    47 Views Liked

    The journey of day trading from its humble beginnings in the era of Distance selling to its current form is a history of Innovation, adaptability and the unstoppable advance of Technology. This development not only reflects the change in the nature and way securities are traded, but also marks a paradigmatic shift in the accessibility of financial markets for the Average citizen.

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  • Introduction to day trading
    Introduction to day trading
    40 Views Liked

    In the world of financial trading, day trading is a term often associated with excitement, risk and quick decisions. But what exactly is day trading and how does it differ from other forms of trading such as swing trading or long-term investing? Let's explore this fascinating world.

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  • Understanding market indices
    Understanding market indices
    831 Views Liked

    Market indices play a crucial role not only for day traders but also for long-term investors. They provide important guidance and provide detailed information about the general trend of the market and the prevailing sentiment in various economic sectors. An index is a composite metric that represents a carefully selected group of stocks. This selection is usually representative of certain sectors or even the overall market.

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  • Choosing the right trading platform
    Choosing the right trading platform
    249 Views Liked

    Choosing the right trading platform is crucial to day trading success. A good platform not only provides access to the markets you want, but also the technological means to perform analysis, develop strategies, and execute trades efficiently and accurately. Here are the key features and tools to look for when evaluating trading platforms:

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  • Requirements for entry
    Requirements for entry
    233 Views Liked

    To start day trading successfully, there are both basic knowledge and skills you need to learn, as well as certain equipment and software requirements that should be met. Here is a detailed overview of the prerequisites for getting started in day trading.

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