When it comes to traders, social media platforms often create a rather one-sided image: a young face smiling at the...
One-year anniversary of a publicly managed portfolio - Trading insights on one year of transparent trading
One-year anniversary of a publicly managed portfolio - Trading insights on one year of transparent trading
The Dangers of One-Sidedness in Trading Are you new to trading or looking to expand your skills? 🚀 It may be tempting to rely on a single strategy or join groups that only use one approach.
With the rise of artificial intelligence in almost every field, trading education has also evolved significantly. In collaboration with the AI Finance Association and under the leadership of Lech Downarowicz , the AI Trading Coach was developed - a virtual coach specifically designed to support traders during and after mentoring. This intelligent assistant has been programmed to understand traders' learning needs and is continuously developed by our members to stay up to date.
The AI Finance Association Europe has been officially awarded a "Certificate of Cooperation" by CopyTrade Market, making it the first association in German-speaking countries to be recognized as a competent partner for the training of copy trading signal providers and traders. This certificate confirms our outstanding competence and expertise in the industry. With this recognition, we are setting new standards in professional training and preparing our members to be successful as first-class...
Welcome to a mentoring program of a special kind! " the supreme discipline" Whether you want to earn a living by trading with your own capital or are aiming for a successful career as a copy trader and signal provider - we will accompany you every step of the way. With access to exclusive resources, the integration of AI into the learning process and collaboration with various coaches, we will broaden your horizons together and prepare you optimally for your future as a trader.
Trading lernen wie Autofahren: Sind Sie bereit für die spannendste Fahrt Ihres Lebens? Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie sitzen zum ersten Mal hinter dem Steuer eines Autos. Die Welt liegt Ihnen zu Füßen, aber gleichzeitig spüren Sie die Aufregung und die Unsicherheit des Unbekannten. Genau so fühlt sich der Einstieg ins Trading an. Warum ist das so? Weil Trading und Autofahren mehr gemeinsam haben, als Sie vielleicht denken. In diesem Artikel nehme ich Sie mit auf eine faszinierende...
Every week I would like to share with you an update of my trading strategy, which I implement in the area of swing trading with knock-out products. Due to the leverage option and the relatively short holding period of the trades, it is extremely important to be closely followed and well informed about market developments.
Every week I would like to share with you an update of my trading strategy, which I implement in the area of swing trading with knock-out products. Due to the leverage option and the relatively short holding period of the trades, it is extremely important to be closely followed and well informed about market developments.
Yesterday was an exciting day for me as I had the opportunity to gain real trading experience with none other than Lech, a true expert in the field. With his impressive 30 years of experience, Lech not only has the necessary expertise, but also the ability to convey this knowledge in a clear and understandable way.
In this article, we will introduce you to a proven trading strategy based on the use of three moving averages (MA) . This strategy is suitable for both long and short positions and offers clear signals for entries and exits. The three different moving averages help to better identify trends and make informed decisions.
The advantage of diverse mentorship and its positive effects on trading In financial trading, no two days are the same; the waves of the market require traders to be highly adaptable and constantly learning. In this dynamic sea of change, trading coaches can act as beacons of wisdom - and a dedicated team of these experienced mentors can not only illuminate the path to success, but also significantly pave it. Their expertise and knowledge provide traders with the support and guidance they...
Prop trading is often marketed as a way to make big profits without investing a lot of your own capital. But the reality is very different. Prop trading companies lure traders with promising offers, but in the end it is the companies - not the traders - who profit. If you really want to trade profitably, it is crucial to understand the business model behind prop trading and know the alternatives. Here you will find out why prop trading is a deception and why you will be more successful in the...